Au début du XXe siècle, il s’essaya également à l’eau-forte colorée. Les sujets des eau-fortes de Brangwyn sont très divers: paysages, vues de villes, ponts, moulins à vent et portes de villes, sites industriels et scènes de la vie de milieux moins aisés de la société. Brangwyn utilisait fréquemment des dessins préparatoires et des photos, mais il gravait également des plaques sur place. Brangwyn réalisait parfois plusieurs états d’une même eau-forte. Après le premier tirage, il lui arrivait de faire des corrections sur la plaque et d’en faire ensuite un nouveau tirage. Lorsqu’il avait enfin mis la dernière main à la gravure, il en faisait imprimer un tirage de 50 à 150 exemplaires. Quoique Brangwyn, entouré de ses assistants, fit personnellement des expériences d’impression de gravure, il laissait souvent ce travail aux mains d’imprimeurs spécialisés comme Frederick Goulding qui travaillait également pour James McNeil Whistler et Francis Seymour Haden.
Collection | Themes | Canadians Entering Cambrai | William Morris Gallery
Although not an official war artist, Brangwyn designed over eighty posters during the First World War, often working free of charge for charitable groups such as the Belgian and Allied Aid League and the Red Cross.
This poster was commissioned by the Canadian War Memorial Fund, who wanted to commemorate the contribution made by Canadian troops. Brangwyn depicts them entering the town of Cambrai in France.
The scene is based on a photograph by William Rider-Rider, photographer on the staff of Daily Mirror who was seconded to the Canadian War Records Office.
58. Sir Frank Brangwyn (Brit., 1867-1956). [RabbiStudying], c1931. Drypoint, initialled in plate upper right, signed in pencil in lower margin, 16.2 x 14.9cm. Minorfoxingtouppermargin.$990In 1931 Brangwyn illustrated the book L’Ombrede la Croix(The Shadowof the Cross) for Jérôme & Jean Tharaud, which described the lives of Jewish people in contemporary Europe. The prints illustrate the town of Belz in Poland which was a centre of pilgrimage. Brangwyn seems to have etched a majority of the plates from photographs. Ref: British Museum.
Frank Brangwyn: Photographs, Nude and Figure Studies by Brangwyn, Frank: Near Fine Soft cover (2001) 1st Edition, Inscribed by Author(s) | Hiding Place Books
Frank Brangwyn was an early 20th century Renaissance man who managed to produce remarkable work in a wide range of fine and decorative arts. This catalogue presents, for the very first time, the photographic studies that Brangwyn used for his work. These photographs include many nude and semi-nude figure studies made between the years 1900-1930.
About the Author:
John Wood is a prize-winning American poet and photographic critc. He has published four books of poetry and numerous volumes of photographic criticism and history. He curated the 1995 Smithsonian Institution exhibition Secrets of the Dark Chamber and is the editor of 21st: The Journal of Contemporary Photography.
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