zaterdag 8 december 2018

Oorlog Musea kunst Ieper

Karen Shelby, Belgian Museums of the Great War: Politics, Memory, and CommerceI.

Een eerste iconische foto was van de hand van Robert Antony van 22 november 1914. Ieper. 

De foto’s van Antony waren bron van inspiratie voor heel wat kunstenaars waaronder Jules De Bruycker. Ze worden eerste gepubliceerd in het Franse tijdschrift L’Illustration. En die foto’s werden ingezet in de propagandaoorlog. 

Belgian Museums of the Great War: Politics, Memory, and Commerce examines the handling of the centennial of World War I by several museums along the Western Front in Flanders, Belgium. In the twenty-first century, the museum has become a strategic space for negotiating ownership of and access to knowledge produced in local settings. The specific focus on museums and commemorative events in Flanders allows for an in-depth evaluation of how each museum works with the remembrance and tourist industry in the region while carving a unique niche. Belgian Museums of the Great War writes the history of these institutions, analyzes the changes made in advance of the anniversary years, and considers the site-specificity of each institution and its architectural frame. Since museums not only transmit information but also shape knowledge, as Eileen Hooper-Greenhill has noted, the diverse narratives and community programs sponsored by each museum have served to challenge prior historiographies of the war. Through newly revamped interactive environments, self-guided learning, and an emphasis on the landscape, the museums in Flanders have a significant role to play in the ever-changing dialogue on the meaning of the history and remembrance of the Great War.

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