woensdag 4 maart 2020

Hedley Fitton

Hedley Fitton (c.1858-1929) was an England engraver and printmaker noted mainly for his architectural etchings. His etchings included street scenes and important cathedrals in London, Florence, Edinburgh, and Paris. In 1907 the Société des Artistes Français awarded Fitton a Gold Medal for his work.

His work was exhibited at the Royal Academy, Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers, Royal Watercolour Association and at the Paris Salon.

Hedley Fitton was familiar with the old windmills on the southeast coast not far from London and produced a popular etching called "The Two Mills". His best known works are "The Pantheon, Rome" and "The Rose Window, Notre Dame". His etchings depict many of the venerated landmarks of the time.

Southwark Cathedral

Rouen Cathedral 1908

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