donderdag 30 januari 2020


"Depuis des années j'evite tot commerce avec les editeurs - sauf la Maison Dietrich avec laquelle je traite depuis mes modestes début - pour sauvegarder la valeur artistique d'un travail de beaucoup d'années, pour simpifier tant de complications et éviter la déteriorisation de beaucoup d' épreuves" (1929). (Huys: 36).

Uit Goddard:

It is very difficult to find documentation or information about the display of prints in such informal settings. However, we know that in 1891 Ensor's etchings were exhibited at gallery Dietrich in Brussels; Dietrich being the firm that published the beautiful Almanach by Verhaeren and van Rysselberghe (cat. no. ), as well as numerous prints by Ensor and Finch.[i] The "Maison Dietrich" also sold photographs (platinum prints) and reproductive prints of works by the preraphaelites, as well as books illustrated by Walter Crane, and books published by William Morris' Kelmscott Press.[ii] When Finch completed his 1892 album of ten etchings it was made available for sale at the publishing house of Veuve Monnom (cat. nos. ).[iii] It is likely that other publishing firms that specialized in the arts, such as J.E. Buschmann in Antwerp (publisher of the second series of Van nu en Straks) also sold prints.[iv] We know that a number of impressions of certain etchings by Lemmen were among the archives of the etching printer Van Campenhout, although whether or not they were available for sale through this firm is not certain.[v]

[i]. Hoozee/Tavernier, James Ensor, p. 12. In 1892 Dietrich published Ensor's and Finch's portfolios of etchings (Bib Belg 8 no. 7 1892, p. 195. Ensor's Les sacripants and Les lutteurs was published by Dietrich in 1897 (Bib Belg 23 no. 15-16, 1897, p. 291, as was Hop Frog in 1898 (Bib Belg 24, no. 9, 1898, p. 158).

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De Galerie Dietrich in de Koningstraat aan de Hofberg was er één van. Reeds begin jaren 1880 organiseerde die galerie permanente tentoonstellingen met vrije toegang. In een galerie bleven kunstwerken namelijk langer hangen dan op klassieke exposities. Die Galerie Dietrich werd de eerste kunstboekhandel in België die tegelijkertijd als tentoonstellings- en verkoopsgalerie functioneerde. Er werden regelmatig werken geëxposeerd van nog levende kunstenaars. 222

Op die plek verwierf Ensor in mei 1891 zijn eerste solotentoonstelling. Hij stelde er enkel een aantal gravures tentoon, waarbij onder andere tien exemplaren van zijn lithografie Hop-Trog, die werden aangeboden voor de prijs van 20 frank per stuk.

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