dinsdag 31 december 2019

Le Green

Uit de briefwisseling tussen JDB en zijn drukker Van Campenhout (Frank):
Brief 14
 "Ne ratez pas l’occasion le Green et Van Gelder à n’importe quelles conditions."
Le Green verwijst naar Barcham Green.


"Simon Barcham Green’s family have been papermaking since at least 1812 and he made his first certified sheet by hand in 1955. "
"The business advertised ‘Roberson's Matt Colours Prepared with Parris' Marble Medium. The most suitable for ceiling or mural paintings' (The Year's Art 1913). It was one of five, including Winsor & Newton, George Rowney, Reeves & Son and James Newman, acting together as Associated Colour Merchants, which signed an agreement in 1916 with J. Barcham Green & Son to produce a range of papers for them, watermarked ‘A.C.M.’ and the words ‘Watercolour Paper England’ (Barcham Green 1994, p.35)."

Het papier is nog te koop:

Barcham Green Paper | Lawrence Art Supplies

We have a small selection of Barcham Green papers, handmade at Hayle Mill in Kent. The mill made papers from the early 1800s but ceased production in 1987 meaning that our supplies will not be replaced once we have sold out. We can provide samples of any paper of interest.  


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