vrijdag 20 december 2019

Brangwyn brieven

Brieven van Brangwyn aan JDB

The first letter is dated 13 August and concerns De Bruycker's need for large acid baths:
     Dear Sir,
     Mr. Lambotte has asked me to send you a large bath -- I will let you
     have it early this week as the large baths I have are made of wood
     this hot weather has made them leak so I hope you will pardon the
     delay in sending it. I hope it will aid your purpose and that you
     will let me have the great pleasure of seeing the etchings you are
     now working upon.
     I have long admired your work. It is splendid. I am glad to hear
     that you are producing plates inspired by the War. With all good
     Believe me my dear sir,
     Frank Brangwyn
And the second of 12 September:
     Dear Sir,
     I had written you a letter last week which I forgot to post and
     which I now enclose as it contains the names of printers.

I think after seeing your proofs that Golding & Co. No. 2 on the
     list will be the right man for you.
     I must congratulate you on the noble and fine plates you have made
     more especially I admire the large one of Death ringing the bell --
     It is splendid and if printed on better paper and by a good printer
     it will be splendid.
     I have taken the liberty of giving your address to an American
     Library which is collecting plates and lithographs connected with
     the war. I hope you will hear from them.
          With all good wishes
          Yours sincerely,
          Frank Brangwyn
     p.s. Regarding a publisher I will give you a letter of introduction
     to one or two, but as you know the taste in England is more for the
     pretty than for the noble and large things in art.
Geciteerd door Stephen Goddard
Two letters of 1916 from Frank Brangwyn to De Bruycker (both in a private collection) set the tone for this production. 

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