dinsdag 20 augustus 2019


Xavier Casals - Wikipedia

Born in 1963 in Barcelona,[1] he has authored several works about the Far right, featuring studies both about the Spanish Neo-nazi and far right scene,[2][3][4][5] as about an international comparative context.[6][7] He has co-authored a biography of Miguel Primo de Rivera.[8] He also has studied the phenomenon of populism.[9]

"Caricatura en tècnica digital de Jules de Bruycker, un gravador (entre altres disciplines) belga que em tè el cor robat.
Durant els pròxims dies treuré un nou llibre, recull de retrats i caricatures. En Jules hi serà, de ben segur!

Jules de Bruycker for my new caricature done in digital technique. And to be featured in my new book about my work on caricatures and portraits."

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