vrijdag 7 december 2018


Duitsers in WO 1: achter vlnr: huzaar; dragonder met stalen helm; ulaan; voor vlnr: infanterist; artillerist; infanterist met staalhelm en werkkiel; infanterist klaar voor de aanval.

Trenches on the Web - Special: Wartime Changes to the German Field Uniform 1914-1916

This photo was taken in mid 1915. The soldier's Pickelhaube (spiked helmet) is covered with the canvas cover.

The leather used in the helmet was imported from Argentina. In 1914, the British blockade caused the first shortage of the war, leather for helmets. Felt and fibre board as well as tin or sheet metal was used as substitute materials for making helmets. Spiked helmets continued to be produced for enlisted men until the spring of 1916, when the Stahlhelm, (steel helmet), was introduced.

The soldier is wearing the standard German enlisted man's Feldmütze (field cap), a visorless hat. 

Enkele helmen/petten:

Elastolin figuren, Duitse soldaten uit de eerste Wereldoorlog, ca. 1935

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