vrijdag 16 november 2018

Galsworthy over De Bruycker


March 3, 1915. Wingstone.

0 generosey Puer, — Rebus sic circumstuntibus I acceptambo.
Pons mihi est acceptissimissimissima ; quattuorque stuntes sunt

In bianco vestiti ad oculos omnes placebuntur. Smit-Smet
smorum mox ad Londinium eventuaberit.

Omi-omii-omissit !

Avunculina tua venusta venerusta semper knittens amorem tibi

Puer delectissime cum canibus te saluto. Avunc.

March 31^, 1915. Wingstone.

Dear old Man, — You have done me in, knocked me out,
bowled me over, blown me tight with other inconveniences — I
cannot understand Latin. Did you not know that I was educated
at Harrow ? And on the classical side.

The pictures jolly well came in beautiful shape, in charming
frames, with only one glass gently cracked. I love ’em all, and not
least your Easter-egg layer, or begetter, or whatever they do. We
both delight in it, and send you our grateful thanks. The De
Bruycker is a fine thing. Will you give the enclosed to your father
to pass on. He hasn’t let me know what the framing and postage
come to, but perhaps the Pound will cover it.

Your Aunt and wellwisher, after two set backs, is getting on
at last, and we hope to be up in town next week, and shall look
forward to a stunt or two with you. She sends best love, and is
much interested in your musical researches. She herself has been
and gone and written two very nice things, one Spanish and one
Irish, for piano and ’cello or violin. The Irish one has a really
topping jig in it.

1 hope your sad flu is quitting at last now that the little blighters
are singing, and the daffodils a-blowing on the trees.

Our dear love to you all. — Your fattening Uncle, J.

We have three pet lambs.

\To the daughter of an eminent Victorian Statesman who complained
that his characters were not normal or healthy .]

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  https://museum.nbb.be/sites/default/files/2022-08/Onze_biljetten_bestaan...149_jaar.pdf   “Zo kwam de Bank in 1939 terecht bij Jules De Br...